Why Is AI Content Creation A Problem (And What To Do About It)

We are finally there, where the AI has been let loose to the masses. It is finally out of the box, and it is shaking up a big part of the community. I have seen a lot of different meanings and statements about the newest AI and what it can do, and I am also impressed about how fast the best of these new AIs are actually able to create a whole new article, but if you are reading this, you have also picked up on the negative side and probably asked yourself something like “Why Is AI Content Creation A Problem?

That also means that you are worried that using AI might mess up your business, and it sure might. Let me explain.

Example Of AI For Content Creation

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Before I tell you why we should not use AI for writing out content and make our life much easier, Let’s have a look at what AI really is. I see questions like “what is AI” floating around all the time, so Let’s have a tiny look at what it is and what it does.

I won’t go through all the different machines that are out there in this article, but if you want to see the bigger picture, I have written another article about AI that you can find here, where you’ll also find a small list of different machines you can use.

The best AI out there today that is available for us, the public, is probably Open AI’s Chat GPT-3

As you can see from the video above, Chat GPT-3 is pretty versatile. It can do a lot more than just create content for you, and this plus all the rest of them will just keep on getting better the more time they have to learn.

But why do I tell you not to use it if it is this great tool that can create content in seconds? An article, blog post, social media post, sales letter and so on can be done so much faster than our hands, so won’t we save a lot of time using it? Well, save time you will do, without a doubt. But even if it can do a lot of great things, it is still a machine.

The Problem

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What is it? Why is it so bad and what is the problem? The simple answer is that it is a Machine. And what is the difference between you and a machine? Emotions. Emotions is the difference. As of today, these wonderful machines will not be able to shove real emotions. If you want to write a piece about something sad or difficult, it would be nice to have some empathy for example, in your piece.

The human element is still to big and difficult to learn for the machines. But that is not the whole problem. You can’t blindly trust what the AIs are writing, because you don’t know what kind of information they have been learning from.

Another piece of the problem is when people are blindly so amazed by the AI and they see what they can do, and they use it without thinking about the problems. They have a lack of creativity, your article might have a plagiarism problem without your knowledge too, and that might be the start of the end of your online business.

The content might start to become a bit more personal, but still they sound more like research papers than something personal. As of today, the quality of the content will go down if everyone start using it.

So you can see that there are some clear problems with using AI, but the biggest one has to be the fact that Google themselves do not like AI created content, and if they discover that you have used AI in your content, your content will never be found in the google search engine and they will probably also give you another punishment. Whatever it may be, I can say with 100% certainty that it will be bad for your business, and this reason alone should be enough to stop you from using it.

We could sit here and talk at length about what the problem of using AI for content creation is, but I hope you have got the idea by now. Another thing that is worth mentioning is the fact that the machines can create misinformation on your behalf without you even knowing it. And if nothing else that would be embarrassing. How, you ask?

AI is learning by reading a lot of text and if some of the information the machine is using to learn has misinformation in them, well then it will learn that as fact, and you will be the one end up suffering. You and your business.

What Can We Do To Fix The Problem?

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What can we do to fix this AI problem? Do Not Use It To Write Your Content! I understand that it is really tempting to use 10 seconds to write your next piece, but as things are today, it might end up costing you more than your are earning on it. As AI is today, you should keep away from it even if they can do a lot. At least for the time being and for your future content, please don’t use it.

Another thing you can do is to spread the word that using AI for content creation might really mess up your business and even ruin it if you are really unlucky. You can even share this little article here if that is easier.

I find so much positive information about how good AI is and how it will change the game. But if Google has anything to say about it, AI won’t be the big new thing yet. I read somewhere that AI was the best new thing since the inception of social media. Maybe for other things, but for content creation, not so much.

My Humble Conclusion

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Many people would probably want to use AI instead of learning how to write their own content. I can see how that is tempting, but losing the satisfaction with finally finishing an article etc is worth whatever you need to learn to get there.

It is not worth writing an article that will end up losing the human element just to save some time. And it is definitely not worth it if Google finds out and slap your wrist, as that slap might end up being way too expensive. So take the high ground and learn how to write if your need to.

Learn how to write and see the satisfaction you will get from feeling proud of your own work. There is nothing to be proud of in using AI, so please just skip it and write your own content. The more you write, the faster it gets, and before you know it, you’ll be writing as a seasoned writer.

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