Why Is Affiliate Marketing So Hard?

Are you struggling with your Affiliate Marketing journey and find it hard to get anywhere? If that’s you, then trust me when I say that you are not alone. Affiliate Marketing can be done in many ways, but whatever way you are choosing, you still have to learn it. And if it was easy, everyone would do it. But having said that, It might not be as hard as you make it out to be…

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Why Do You Find It So Hard?

Here we have the first issue. Affiliate Marketing can be done in many ways and some might actually be easier than others, but as I said already, whatever you choose, you still have to learn it.

  • Writing articles for a blog
  • Writing for social media
  • Making videos
  • Trying to just spread your link around with no plan
  • Videos for social media
  • Videos for YouTube
  • and so on….

As you can see with just these few examples above, there is more than one way for people to click on your affiliate link. The trick is to make a choice like “I want to write articles and have a website to put them on” and then stick to that one way of doing things.

Learning a new skill takes time, no matter what you are learning. At least if you go for one specific way, then learn that really well before you try something else.

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Learning Method

Affiliate Marketing becomes less hard the better you learn the trade you have chosen. If writing articles on a blog is your choice, then you need to learn everything about that. Writing articles for a blog consists of more than just writing and posting articles.

  • Niche Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • WordPress
  • Customer Buying Cycle
  • And so on…

As you can see from the short list above, there are lots of areas that you will need to learn about and become very proficient about. The question is HOW to learn and WHERE/WHO to learn it from.

When a person that want to learn how to earn extra cash are seeing these commercials on YouTube or maybe a video about how you can “just” learn Affiliate Marketing and then make tons of money, they usually get the impression that this will be a fast and easy thing. Just write a few articles and then post them and watch the money rolling in. Aah, I wish it was that easy!

If you find Affiliate Marketing to be difficult, it is most likely because you haven’t learned enough, but not only that. When you have learned something new, it is also vitally important that you put your new skill to work! I think a lot of the difficulty comes from the fact that you might not do enough. You need to take action and then keep that action consistent. If you can do that, well then success will come to you. It will just be about time. Keep at it until you get there!

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This is one component that is wildly under appreciated. The fact that learning a whole new skill and trade takes time to get off the ground, is a fact that is not very appreciated by a lot of people. You know that one button system that will make you tons of money that everyone is looking for? Well, it doesn’t exist.

Do you find Affiliate Marketing hard? It might be because you were expecting less work and easy money. The sad truth is that it no longer exist. It actually did exist 15 years ago, but to you won’t find any so called “easy” ways to a big fortune.

If you really want it, you’ll need to work for it, but then again, working hard for it will also make it taste much sweeter when you finally are getting the results you were looking for when you first stared out, so don’t be afraid of hard works, love it!

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I have already spoken some about this above, but it is worth repeating. You might find Affiliate Marketing to be so hard because it takes you time to get things done. Writing an article might take you many hours in the beginning, but remember that the better you get, the faster you get your tasks done.

The first expectation to break is probably that it is easy to make money online. It is only easy when you have learned how to do it and you see the money rolling in, but until then, it will be a fight. But you should love the fight, because it will only be a positive in your life.

The second expectation that will break is the expected timeline. You might have been fooled to think you can earn $5000 in a week the first week out, but that bubble will pop with a bang. Doing affiliate Marketing through a blog and articles will take many months, depending on how consistent you are, but yes, it will take time, but at the same time, you’ll need it to learn, study and sharpening your new craft.

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My Final Thoughts

You are asking why Affiliate Marketing is so hard, when you should probably ask yourself what you are doing wrong. Learning a new trade is hard and it should be hard or everyone would be doing it. Having said that, I also want to get across that “hard” in this instance is not a negative word. The harder it is, the more proud you will be when you are finally making it:-)

If you have problem learning all you need to know or you find it difficult to understand, click the button below and see my review of my #1 education for Affiliate Marketing.

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