This Is Why You Shouldn’t Use AI For Content Creation

Welcome to the future, good people. The Artificial Intelligence Writers are coming on with full force. Some people actually say that they like it and some say they don’t. From my headline, it is easy to see where I am leaning in this matter, and let me tell you why. But let’s start at the beginning and go from there. This Is Why You Shouldn’t Use AI For Content Creation.

What Is Artificial Intelligence And It’s Writers 

image of AI

Artificial Intelligence is working with math, algorithms and some code to learn the pattern it needs to know and be able to teach itself to write better content. Machines with brains is also a term I heard it be called 🙂

AI writers are programs you can use today if you are “lazy” and don’t want to write your own articles. The number of different AI programs has really gone up the last couple of years, and some of them seem to be really, really good.

After my research, I found out who seems to be the best writer out there today, but as I said, you can find plenty. Just to give you a little peak, here are a few of them.

  • ChatGPT
    • This is probably the best writer out there today. it is created by Open AI and their GPT-3 which incidentally most other AI content writers are also using.
  • Scalenut
    • Is a content creator plus it has good SEO skills.
  • Grammarly
    • This is one of the few that differs most, as it is more a tool to help you with the content you have already written. This will check your grammar, punctuation, style, spelling. This is more of a content editor.
  • Jasper AI
    • This is a pure content creator
  • Ink Editor
    • This will do paraphrasing, content creation, SEO creation and headline creation among others. 
  • Surfer SEO
    • Will create additional keywords after you give it the main keyword you use. It is a content creator, keyword finder with an additional writing masterclass
  • ClosersCopy
    • These are of the few that do not use GPT-3 as they find it not working to make good marketing copy and ended up creating their own language.
  • NeuralText
    • keyword research, content creator, keyword cluster and optimizing with SEO
  • WordTune
    • This one is a bit scary as it rewrites content. I can see this to be a good way to steal others content and rewrite it to get away from duplicate copies.

The list above is just a short list and you can find a lot more if you wanted to. This is just to show you what is out there and how capable they are. They will undoubtedly get better and better with time, but will they ever get good enough to write as personal as a human? What I personally find nice while reading an article, is the fact that it is written by a human. The human element is still something the machines lack.


image of chatgpt website

Before I move on, I briefly want to talk about Open AI’s GPT-3 and their ChatGPT. When I did my research for this article, I took a little look at ChatGPT just to get a better idea of how good they are getting. I wanted to see if they are really able to write whole articles and if so, how good will they look. Apparently 175 billion parameters has been used to train and teach itself what it now shows off here.

Here is what I asked ChatGPT:

Image of chatbot answering questions

I really didn’t know what to expect, but this answer surprised me a bit. Not only did it say yes to write me an article, this is the result it gave me. This is the first half:

image of article written by AI

And here we have the second half:

image of article written by AINow, as you can see from these two images, the future of AI in content creation looks very good. One thing is that these programs are getting very good and better by the day almost, but the question I have is how morally correct it is to use them…

Are The Use OF AI for Content Creation Legal?

judge's hammer

Is it legal? The answer to that is yes. It is legal to use AI for content creation in the sense that no policeman (or woman) will knock on your door if you are using it, but having said that, it is not “legal” in Googles eyes, and if you ever get discovered using a machine for your content creation, you most definitely will get a manual penalty.

According to the search engine’s guidelines, automatically AI generated content, is considered to be SPAM! Content written by AI will fall under the category of Auto-Generated Content and regardless of whatever tool you choose to use, as long as it is written by a program, it will always be considered Automatically Generated (according to John Mueller, Google Search Advocate). To me this statement means that if you are using an AI tool just to help the content you yourself has written, you will still fall under the category of Automatically Generated.

All this might sound really scary, but the reality is that Google is still behind in the AI tools, as in they can’t automatically detect it, if your content is written by AI. At least as of December 2022. Most likely, they will make better and better tools to detect AI, but it will probably always be one step behind. As google gets better, so will the AI, and that is the dance that will continue forever, most likely.

The Human Element

image of human in field

The human element. This is what will be lacking from these AI writers as of yet at least and to me this is probably the biggest reason to skip using these programs. Will they help you? They probably will, but why do you want to succeed with something that Google deems as not legal.

Lets say you have started getting some success because these programs are doing all the job for you. You are happy you finally get some traffic to your site and finally you also see some income coming your way. At that time, when you are at your proudest moment so far, Google slaps you with  hand bigger than god when they finally has been able to make a code where they can find content made by machines.

At that time you will be cursing to yourself and regret that you didn’t just take the time to learn it the proper way to see the same success without all the shortcuts. When it comes to business, shortcuts are usually never a smart move to make. The shortcut usually comes back to bite you where the sun don’t shine, and it won’t be pretty.

When I want to read an article, I want to know that it is written by a human hand and that it is created by a human brain. Machines are great for a lot of things, but when it comes to conveying information that might include human feelings and human thought, please keep the machine away from me.

A last thing about using these machines is that without the human element, the machines are still not perfect, so they will write some strange things or give you totally wrong information. They are still not even close to perfect, so keep it real instead and write your own content.


My Final Conclusion

image of blackboard saying results

You probably know my conclusion by now, but it doesn’t hurt to say it again. Please keep away from using machines to write your content. You will be much better off by learning it all from the ground up. if you are unsure how to write, find a place to learn it. If you have no clue about what SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is, then find a way to learn it.

The best place to learn writing, SEO and online business is only a button away. You see the button below? Click it, and you can learn it all. If you don’t want to learn from one place, you can always google your way to success, just don’t use these Artificial intelligence writers. Remember what I said about taking the shortcut?

4 thoughts on “This Is Why You Shouldn’t Use AI For Content Creation”

  1. This is an excellent take on this here! There is a lot of hype about AI these days, in particular with the release of OpenAI to the general public and the popularity of things like “AI writing tools” that you are seeing pop up with ads over your social feed.

    Just because there is hype, doesn’t mean something is good and the reality is that AI content could be the demise of many online businesses if they start incorporating artificially created content into their websites. Google knows, search engines know, and there are tools out there that are available that can easily detect whether or not an article is AI generated.

    So as easy as it is to pump out 1,000 word articles in seconds, folks should realize that this is not a path to creating quality content, nor is it a path to ranking well in Google and other search engines.

  2. I am totally agreeing with you there Kyle, and I think maybe I should pump out some more warnings via different articles about it, because I can see how easy it is to fall for the temptation.

    Thank you for your comment, it is much appreciated.

  3. I gave a couple of these AI tools a try – just out of curiousity – to see if they would give me ideas for a book review I was writing. Honestly, the results were hilarious and scary – the plot description was way off base and character relationships completely out of sync. I’m half-minded to start a YouTube channel to show others what tripe they can produce. It would be funny.

    However, the scary part is that people are using these AI tools and lazily generating articles that are factually inept. History could be changed on the fly because of these unsophisticated content generators that no one should be relying on for blog posts.

    That said, they can sometimes germ an idea when the creative juices aren’t flowing and I haven’t tested them more robustly than this anecdote.

    The counter argument is to blame the user if the content is bad. But doesn’t that contradict the point of these generators of gunk?

    Haha, fair play for your article, Christian. I enjoyed reading.

    • Thank you Russell! Yeah, AI seems to be the new trend now, even though I advocate not using it. I find it fun to try out and all, but for business, I hope it is still a few years away.


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