My Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review For 2023

Name: Wealthy Affiliate

FREE Starter, Premium $49/mth, Premium Plus+ $99/mth
Owners: Kyle Louden and Carson Lim
Training Quality: 9.9/10
Research Tools: 10/10
Mentorship/Support: 10/10
Websites Included: YES
Hosting Included: YES
Free Trial: YES
Overall Rank: 9.9/10

How Wealthy Affiliate Works

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is essentially a university online where your “degree” will be as an expert affiliate marketer. This is my honest Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2023.  As a university, they have made sure that you won’t go through the learning alone. Their options of classes is huge and so are their online community. If you are stuck and need a helping hand, you will always find someone to help you get unstuck so to speak.

image of womans head at university graduation

When you become the member, you have the option to start a full course where they take you by the hand and show you what to learn and what to do. At the end of each lesson, you get Tasks that has to be completed before you go to the next lesson. Of course, you can skip the tasks, but that would just be cheating yourself out of a very good learning experience.

They teach you how to set up a website and to create content to said website. If you are looking for your own domain name, you can search for that within WA too. So to buy a domain and hosting, it can all be done within WA itself. It won’t get much easier than that.

  • Courses like The Online Entrepreneur Certification
  • Case studies
  • Keyword Research Tool (Unlimited)
  • Hosting
  • 50 Premium  Websites
  • 1000+ Training Modules
  • Enhanced Affiliate Program Search
  • Instant DNS
  • Manual Competition Analysis
  • 24/7  Support
  • Huge Community
  • And so much more!

ad ad

 This is some of what you will find as a member at Wealthy Affiliate. It is a “one stop shop” for everything regarding the affiliate marketing business. Everything you will ever need is right there in that one website.

As a big company, I’m still amazed of the fact that the members can still contact the owners/founders for help or whatever the reason for your contact may be. Another very positive situation, is that you are never alone. You will always find someone if you need to, and I find that important enough to mention it here.

As of January 12, 2023 there has also been added a new feature called “The Niche Finder”. You write in what your interests are and then the niche finder will come up with 10 different ideas of niches for you to start out in. It is actually really good, and I wished I had it a long time ago, but better late than never!

Wealthy Affiliate’s Training Quality

This section is essentially the backbone of WA. Not only is the training really detailed, it is also some of the best I have ever seen. The way they set it all up is really smart, with tasks (homework) that has to be done before you move on to the next lesson. It might sound really logical, but the way this is set up is most likely the best I have ever seen as an online teaching website regarding affiliate marketing.

man jumping over high bar, reaching his goals

The quality of the training is as high as it gets. As I’m sitting here trying to think of ways to make the training any better, I’m really coming up short. I have seen other websites/companies that try to offer the same, but there the training is mostly just a lot of reading and not so much implementing. At WA they make sure you implement every new part of training as you move forward.

With the setup the training at WA has, they actually give you a chance to make money even before your training is done. You have the option to take individual classes, or you can join a bigger training series where you have complete control over your progress, and it is in these series I see students starting making money before the series is done.

With everything new we want to learn, it often follows a lot of business related words that might make thing more difficult when you need to figure out what they are talking about. The training at WA is very easy to understand, even for someone who has zero experience. They have made it so basically everyone can go through it and make it work. It is really, really good.

Research Tools In Wealthy Affiliate

banner of jaaxy research tool

Here is some of what sets Wealthy Affiliate apart from the rest of the herd. As time has gone by, Kyle, Carson and their colleagues has created some research tools that gets you to stay within their website when you want to look for keywords for the articles they teach you how to write. In the old days, you had to go to Google for things like that. Not only does it keep you inside of WA while you work, the research tool is also much better to use than the old fashion way.

As you keep learning, you will eventually start to look for different affiliate products/ affiliate deals and within WA they also made a search tool so you can find the best affiliate deals out there. Hopefully 500 million products should be enough. The research tools at WA are truly one of a kind.


Mentorship/Support In Wealthy Affiliate

Every time you want to learn a new business, it will be a real positive to have a mentor or at least someone available to help you in your time of need, and I have never seen a bigger and stronger community then what you will find at WA. As the biggest community for internet marketers, you will always find someone that can give you that little bit of extra guidance if you need that.

With such a large community and millions of members, you would think that reaching out to support would be a real pain, but no. It usually won’t take support more than 15, 20 minutes max to respond to your message.

Websites/Hosting At Wealthy Affiliate

image of computer and codes

This is something I barely touched on in the beginning of the article, and as I said, having both domain names and hosting in the same place makes everything so much easier. I remember what pain it was to find domains at one place, hosting at a second place and website a third place. With WA you will find everything in one place. It makes it so much easier while it is completely painless. I don’t find the prices for domain names to be that bad and hosting is actually FREE with a Premium membership.

All the websites I have seen so far have a very respectable speed to them and they all work as good as you will ever need. So their hosting is really worth it. Neither have I ever experienced any downtime for the sites I’ve built, so here we really are talking about fast and reliable.


Wealthy Affiliate Pricing

image of pricing comparison between starter and premium membership

As stated above you can go for the FREE trial before you make a decision about becoming a Premium or Premium Pus+ member. The price for a Premium membership is $49 per month. Yes, that can look like a lot of money for a membership, but when you get to see all that is included in that membership, I am very certain you will see it in a positive light.

As a paying member you get the best learning there is and if you implement everything you learn at Wealthy Affiliate, I am certain that you will reach whatever goal you set for yourself as an Internet Entrepreneur.

Starter Membership: $0 to test it out. With this membership you will get to try out most of the features WA has to offer. You can even try to make a website if you want to, and you will understand why it will be wise to at least move up to the next level.

Premium Membership: $49 Each Month. This is where you can really start to understand that the pricing is not that bad when you see all that is included and all the opportunities it gives you. Like 120 training modules, websites and hosting, the writing tools and research tools, extra help all day every day and personal mentoring. Pay $49 to get a good education as an Internet Entrepreneur. People pay tens of thousands for college, when in reality this is all you need to succeed.

Premium Plus+ Membership: $99 Each Month. As a premium plus+ member you will get everything that premium offer, but with some new perks that is a bit like a premium membership on steroids. You will get faster hosting, more websites and 250 additional expert classes. It is all the extra classes that would have sold me on this option. With the classes being as good as they are, this is a goldmine.



This has been my honest Wealthy Affiliate Review for 2022. I hope you have learned enough to make an educated decision about it. I recommend these guys to the fullest.

At the top of this review, I put down 9.9/10 on training quality, but the reason for doing so was just so I won’t put a 10/10 on everything. As a learning platform and a community of like-minded Internet Entrepreneurs, there is really not that much negative I have found within this platform. I will go so far as to say it is also a dream maker with a proven success record.

Even if you start with the FREE tryout, make sure to find the success story section. There you will see people have different types of success, but they all reach goals they have set for themselves, and I find it very enjoyable to read.

If you are looking for a platform to help you reach your goal about making money, this is certainly a good place for that. If you are specific about selling online, then this is the #1 platform to help you reach your goals. As you start your journey within Wealthy Affiliate, you will see that this is the only platform you’ll ever need if Affiliate Marketing is what you want to do.

Take it for a spin and tell me what you think. If you need any help regarding Wealthy Affiliate, use the comments below and I’ll see what I can do.

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