Is Hustler University Worth Buying

Hustler University, the home of the Tate brothers and their infamous school to learn how to make money and being masculine while doing so… The question still remains though, Is Hustler’s University Worth Buying? Many people will say a big NO, and I tend to agree on this one. Let’s check it out and see what its all about…

Name: Hustler’s University 3.0image of hustlers university website
Entry Fee $147 then $49.99/mth
Andrew Tate

Training Quality: 7/10
Research Tools:
Websites Included:
Hosting Included:
Free Trial:

Overall Rank: 5/10

How Hustler’s University Works

Hustler’s University (now called The Real World), is an online program where you can pay to learn different ways to make money online. And to be upfront, I have not paid it myself and I am not a member, so all the information I have, has come from a lot of research into it. I am confident I have learned enough to have an educated view about it.

Andrew Tate is a very controversial figure and it is easy to see how so many people are willing to pay to see what he has to offer. But more about that later.

 Training Quality Of Hustler’s University

image of training content

When it comes to the quality of the training offered inside The Real World, I have found that people are usually in two camps about this. Some people say that its training is good, while other say that it is lacking in every aspect.

When putting the “Tate Haters’ and the “Tate Lovers” together, I have come up with the following. If you are a total beginner, and you have never ever tried to make any money online, and you are totally clueless about it, well then you might learn a little from this training. There is no doubt about that. Is the training is worth $49 every month? I can’t see how it can.  Below you will see the different training that are offered inside Hustler’s University/The Real world.

  • Fundamentals
  • Finance & Business
  • Investing & Real Estate
  • Freelance & Copying
  • Amazon FBA & E-Commerce
  • Affiliate Marketing

As you can see, this should be plenty for a new beginner to choose from. As you have paid your money, you will have to choose one of the options above. I read somewhere that they have stopped Affiliate Marketing, but since I still found it on their website, I’ll keep it in the list. Talking about affiliate marketing, I also believe that they have stopped their affiliate program for the site, but it is only on hold for the time being, so expect that to come back in the near future.

Even if the training is lacking, inside Hustler’s University, you will be much more knowledgeable after you have studied it hard for a month, that’s for sure. But on the other hand, if you were to study what you find of info on YouTube about your chosen online venture (for free), you would also learn a lot if you take the studying serious.

I guess that goes for most online learning courses. You will always find a lot of information free if you really look for it. but being free doesn’t mean it is just as easy to learn it. But this community has other things than learning to go for it.

Research Tools In Hustler’s University

I have found no evidence that they offer any research tools at all inside this online university. At best, they will teach you how to do research from using google or any other free research tool out there.

Mentorship/Support In Hustler’s University

image of mentor teaching student

As mentorship and support is concerned, this is where I think you will have the most value from this course. The whole university is held on a discord server, and all the different courses has their own server.

I said somewhere above that this community has more to go for them than the training, and that is their mentorship. Their community. Not only are the students learning from the teachers, called professors here, but they are also learning from each other. And if there is one thing they really have done right, it has to be their own community.

As support goes, they don’t have much that would need a strong technical support system, but at least their mentorship looks to be pretty good.

Websites/Hosting In Hustler’s University

Again, I found no evidence that they are offering any sort of website or hosting. It is a shame that they are leaving that all up to the members to figure out by them selves, but it is what it is.

Pricing Of Hustler’s University

With an Entry Fee of $147 before you then pay $49.99, Hustler’s University/The Real World has a too steep price to justify buying it. Unless you are willing to pay that to get new online friends, as it seems the community is doing very well.

If you are really looking for a place to teach you how to make money online, I would not personally have gone with Mr Tate’s University. It has nothing to do with Andrew Tate himself, it is just that I don’t see Hustlers University as a viable option for the price they are asking.

The Andrew Tate Controversy

image of Andrew Tate in airplane

It is difficult to write about the Hustler’s University without touching the subject of Andrew Tate himself. He is the latest of a string of people that got canceled for speaking up about men and masculinity.

They try to spin it with Tate being a misogynist and a woman beater, but if you were to take a little dive into all the channels talking about men and men’s issues, you will see that they are all hated for doing so. Personally, I have nothing against Mr. Tate himself, I just don’t find his product a viable option to the price he is asking.

My Conclusion Of Hustler’s University

So, Is Hustler University Worth Buying? What my research has shown me makes to believe that this is not the best fit for new people that want to start making money online. It does give that little scam vibe, but without buying it myself, I can not state that as a fact. That being said, if you are still looking for a viable option, press the button below. This is where I have learned all my knowledge about online business and affiliate marketing.

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