Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It In 2023 And Beyond?

I see this more and more that people think the affiliate marketing business is too saturated, but that could not be further from the truth. Is affiliate marketing worth it in 2023 and beyond? Yes! Yes it is, and here is why.

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The Number Of Internet Users

At the time of the writing of this little article we are in the end of February 2023, and right you will find that we have 5.15 Billion Internet users worldwide, ac cording to This year was the slowest growth in a good while with only 1.9% growth, but the number of internet users will grow even more.

So just on the share numbers, you will see that affiliate marketing is worth it this year. It will likely always be worth it. With that many users, you will most likely never see too many affiliate marketers in our lifetime and probably not in your children s lifetime either.

If you take a look at y our modern smartphone, you will see that they have become so good that you probably do affiliate marketing by just using that, and everything will just be better in the future, so on the numbers, it looks like affiliate marketing has a bright future ahead.

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More Users Is Also More Buyers

As you can see with the number of internet users, it is amazingly high. Over 5 billion user and climbing. Another number that is climbing is the number of people that have enough money to spend it online. Yes, I will admit that the start of 2023 has been about increase in prices on things like food and electricity, but that will pass, guaranteed. But even with higher prices, you will have millions and millions that will use internet when buying things.

Also, according to, we will see as many as 2.64 Billion people shopping online this year, so I’ll imagine that there are enough customers for all of us that want to do affiliate marketing. More than enough!

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What Does The Future Look Like?

If I take United States as an example, it was 268 million online shoppers in 2022 and they are expecting to see that number increase to 285 million by 2025, And this will be pretty representative for all the western countries at least. And then you can add on places like Africa and Asia, and you will see that the future looks as bright as ever when it comes to our chosen profession.

In simple terms, the future look very, very bright for affiliate marketers. There is nothing to worry about, so if you find this profession interesting, just go for it. The business will only get better with time.

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Can AI Make Us Obsolete

You have probably seen that there is a lot of talk about AI taking over the affiliate market, and they can write articles in 60 seconds etc, but you should not worry too much about it. Even Google said that articles written with AI will be punished, so there is no need to worry about that either.

In fact, I have written a couple of articles about AI and affiliate marketing and you can read one of them right here! As you can see, AI will not be a threat to us as a whole. Some people might try to use it since they are lazy and don’t like to write, but if you don’t like to write, I think you have chosen a wrong profession, as affiliate marketing has a lot of writing in it.

So AI will not be a threat at all. Just go about your daily tasks, and don’t give it a second thought.

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My Personal View

The fact that you are wondering if affiliate marketing is worth it, tells me that you have some interest in trying it our, and as I have showed you in this article, the future for affiliate marketing look as bright as ever. If you really want to move forward and try it our, you should find a good place that can teach you what you need to be successful.

Click the button below to read my review of what I see as the best place to learn affiliate marketing. This business have a bright future ahead of it, and there is room for every person that want to try it our, and if you do it right, you can make good money this way. It will all be up to your own work ethic, but I believe you can do it, so all you need is to make a decision.

Either way, I wish you good luck with what ever business you choose.

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