How Long Does It Take To Learn Affiliate Marketing In 2023?

I read a lot of questions about affiliate marketing and I see a lot of people asking this very question. How long does it take to learn affiliate marketing in 2023? The easy answer would probably be to just tell them that it takes a week, but the truth is that what ever you tell them, it would never be correct. And the reason for that is that we are all different and there is a lot to learn.

image of person in front of laptop, studying the basics

The Basics

We could start with what I call the basics. What do I mean by that? well, I mean the minimum of every subject. Like:

  • Writing Reviews
  • Writing Learning Articles
  • SEO
  • Niche Research
  • Keyword Research
  • Affiliate Programs
  • Bulding Your Brand
  • Making Videos
  • Mindset & Motivation
  • And So On….

The list above is what I would call different subjects from where you need to learn the basics just to be able to post something online.

If you don’t learn to do the research the right way, your posts will never be seen by anyone. If you don’t learn the basics about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Your post will never be seen by anyone, and so it goes. At least if you learn the bare basics, you have a fighting chance, but if you want to get really good, then you need to study it all. Learn it all and use it all, but that will take more time, of course.

In my mind, the fastest way to get started is to learn the basics, and then start to post content while you learn it more in depth.

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Time Is Money

This is one of the reasons many people are asking about the time, and I can really understand that. The problem is always that when you are new to a subject or business, it will always take you longer to do what you need, when you haven’t learned it all properly yet. At least, if you have the basics in, it will take you less and less time to do what needs to be done.

When you focus on learning first and then make money second, you will find that you are coming to the money faster than if you are thinking about the money from day one.

We are talking about affiliate marketing here, and if it is one business where it will take time to learn how to earn, this is it. Now, having said that, it does not mean that I Think you won’t make any money in this business. You just have to be aware of this fact that Writing articles and waiting on free traffic from organic search results will take time.

I think the average article takes up to 8 months to find its true place in the result pages, so knowing that fact, you can see why it can take some time to get anywhere. But here’s the thing, If it takes 8 months for your articles to find its true place, just think of how many articles you can get out in the world in that time! It could be amazing!

image of sign saying time for change

Past The Basics

OK then, you are finally done with the basics. You know your way around wordpress and you have the basic skill you need to make your articles enough SEO friendly to start ranking. But of course, SEO alone won’t make your articles rank, so your articles Keyword research is also on par, and you know how to decide if a certain keyword can end up on the first page or not, so you have come pretty far.

The question now is, how long did it take you to come this far? Some people do it fast and other people need time to learn new skills. The question is which are you? Either way, you can now start to see how long time it will take you to learn Affiliate Marketing. This is where you will understand what it will take for you, personally.

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Getting Good

When the basics are done and you are starting to learn things in a more specialty type of way, how do you think you would do in such a situation? Are you one of the fast learners or are you one of the more normal ones that actually need some time to get it all in and make it stay there?

Getting good can take time, it really can, but if you have decided that this is what you want and this will be your thing, then all you have to do is to take the time you need and don’t be to bothered if it will take you some more months than what you first had in your mind.

If you are able to stay consistent with your learning and your writing, then you will reach all your goals. Just remember that nothing is free in this world and this is best done with motivation, but even when your motivation is lacking, your routine will help you reach your goals. All you need is time, so if you let time go while you do your best, you will see your goals coming closer and closer…

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My Last Thoughts

How long does it take to learn affiliate marketing? Well, as you can see, it all depends on what kind of person you are. If you are the kind of person that need to study hard and don’t learn everything from reading it through just once, then learning affiliate marketing will take some months to learn properly at least.

Of course, it also depends on how much time you have to use on studying. Are you free and can use all day every day? If you are, then you will probably reach your goals faster than if you only have 4 hours per week to use on it. Either way, you would need a good place to learn it all from. Click the button below to read about my #1 teaching place for affiliate marketing. It might help you reach your goals even faster! 😉

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