Can I Do Affiliate Marketing Without Followers? Yes, And Here Is How.

As you start out with affiliate marketing and are all new to the subject, or you are wondering if you can do it, this is a question that is often asked. Can I do affiliate marketing without followers?

The simplest answer is yes, you can do this with no followers what so ever. Doing affiliate marketing does not have to be through social media where you need followers for your information to be read. Try using the methods below instead and see for yourself.

Nothing will be easy when you first start out, but affiliate marketing can be very giving if you stay focused and consistent.

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Get your own URL and make a website

Making your own website will probably be the best idea for a long term business idea like affiliate marketing. As you probably know, affiliate marketing is about selling other peoples products through your own affiliate link so you will get a share of the profits.

If you want to go this route with your own URL and website, you will need to find a site that is selling URL’s and then you need some kind of blog. The most well known blog site is without a doubt WordPress. These guys nothing short of amazing when it comes to creating beautiful blogs and websites. So if you want to try out creating a blog, WordPress is one of the best ways to go.

If you choose to go for the blog, you will also have the need to learn SEO (Search Engine Optimization.) Remember, you asked if you can do affiliate marketing without followers, and this is the best route to go if you have no followers.

What you will do is to write articles on your blog about whatever niche you have chosen, and if you have done all your SEO the right way, your article will be found in the first page of the SERP’s (Search Engine Result Page) like Google, Bing or Yahoo. If you are able to get your article on the first page, then you will also start to get visitors, and with these visitors, money usually follow.

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Spread your affiliate link on forums

Going this route is also doable, though I am personally not a big fan of this method, but to each their own. Doing it this way is all about visiting forums that speak about your niche. You find questions people need answers to and then you will have your affiliate link in your bio. This can be an easier way than creating your own website. You won’t need to learn about WordPress, SEO or SERP’s for that matter.

Having said that, you will still need to write a lot. Giving a yes or no answer to peoples question without having a bigger explanation after won’t help you much. So even if your drop having a website, you won’t get around writing a lot. And if you still have to write a lot, you might as well get a website and do it properly. Of course, this is my personal feeling about the matter, but yes, you can make it with this route also.

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Email Marketing

I am not sure if this should be it’s own topic, but making it without followers Doesn’t give you that many options without having your own website. But let’s say you have your website up and running, but you don’t have any followers.

This is the one place where you will need to collect followers/email addresses of your readers. It might look a bit like having followers, but what you do in this instance is to ask your readers to get on your email list, but from the get go, where you create your website, you will need no followers. And the emails will come as you get traffic from the SERP’s.

Going this route also means some extra work as you will need to send emails to your list and keep their interest up. But if you can do all this, email marketing can be extremely profitable. Even if you only “sell” to your list once every month, it might be enough to make you a lot of money. The income you might get all depends on how many people you have in your list. Usually people will tell you that the bigger list the better, but that is a truth with modifications.

If you find yourself with a big list of 10k people, that sounds very good. But what if you instead had a smaller list with better prospects. A list where you are better in touch with your readers, then I would put my money on the smaller list for sure.

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Google Ads

Google ads is another way of getting visitors with no followers. Again with this you will need to have your own website. But this time, instead of writing to your list, you will be creating Google ads that will show up on top of Googles result page.

Most ways of doing affiliate marketing will some way or another entail having a website/blog. With Google ads, you will write your articles as normal, but instead of fighting for the chance to end of the first page of the SERP’s, you will create an ad that google will show for you. This ad will take your visitors straight to your site.

Come to think of it, you might be able to use these ads with your affiliate link, so whoever clicks the ad will go straight to the sales page of whatever product your are pushing with the ad. It wont be that successful, I think, But you can always try. The problem with ads is that you will have to pay for every click you get on it, so it has a big potential of running your wallet dry.


“Can I do affiliate marketing without followers?” As you can see above, it is very possible to do affiliate marketing without followers. The best way will be with a blog. As I stated earlier, it might take you some time to learn the ropes, but there are plenty of member sites where you can learn everything you will ever need to know, Wealthy Affiliate is one such place. They will offer you hosting too, so setting up your blog will be very easy there. You can read my review of Wealthy Affiliate HERE

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